Relational Treatment for Teen Boys

Canine Therapy

Often, students will experience making mistakes with the canines and experience feelings of empathy, love, and acceptance as the canine quickly forgives and provides unconditional love. This allows the student to practice safe and healthy attachment, with the ultimate goal of transferring those relationship skills to safe human relationships (transferable attachment).

canine kiss

Mapping the brain with Neurotherapy

Neurofeedback (NFB) is electroencephalography (EEG)-biofeedback; it measures electrical brain-wave activity then transforms the frequencies into a digital signal which allows a computer to feed back the information to a student through video and sound. Its effect is that it helps to treat various psychological and physical disorders by shaping the way the brain behaves. This shaping improves the efficiency of the brain and provides the ideal functioning for healing and development to occur.

Professional Endorsements

Arthur Becker-Weidman

"Attachment-focused treatment is an evidence-based, effective and empirically validated treatment. Calo is world-class at this trauama and attachment treatment."

Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman
Leader in the field of adoption-specific therapy

Daniel Hughes

"Calo is a program based on the healing and restorative power of relationships: building trusting relationships that kids have with staff, with each other, with canines, and with family. What Calo has to offer those kids who live there is something that they can take home with them--how to trust good."

Dr. Daniel Hughes
Author of Building the Bonds of Attachment

Adventure Therapy

Calo’s Adventure Therapy is a program that works with Calo students to help them in three main areas; Creating positive shared experience (which creates joy), Building self-efficacy, and encouraging students into the growth zone.

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Teen boy with pencil


In general, many of our kids don’t feel like they “fit” in school. For some, that is because of learning disabilities, either diagnosed or undiagnosed. For others, anxiety prevents them from attending class or paying attention once they get there. Others will only engage in schoolwork for teachers that they like– and they don’t like many of them.

Homework is a struggle to remember, to complete, or to submit to teachers. Easily frustrated, our students don’t trust that they can complete work successfully, so they don’t. The bottom line is that most of our students don’t trust that teachers have their best interests at heart, nor do they trust themselves to be able to succeed in school.