Calo is a specialized residential treatment center helping adopted teens and preteens.
Other programs cannot treat these students as effectively or efficiently as we can at Calo. We are here to help you in every way through this process. We will answer any questions you may have or provide any assistance required to help you and your family get exactly what you need. Calo’s admissions process is conducted by staff trained to conduct initial assessments. These staff can provide comprehensive information about Calo.
Acceptance Process
We welcome your call at 573-745-5662, or email us at [email protected] for personal assistance. You may also begin the acceptance process by completing the application here. The application process requires gathering information so that we are able to assess your child’s needs.
What we need:
- Make sure your child meets the admission criteria below.
- Complete and submit the Application for Admission.
- Please e-mail or fax a copy of all psychosocial, psychoeducational, or psychiatric evaluations completed on your child in the last 5 years.
- Please e-mail or fax a copy of your child’s current grade reports.
Campus Visit
Our parents and guardians are integral members of our treatment team here at Calo. We encourage at least one if not both parents to start their involvement early by touring Calo as part of the admissions process. This allows parents and guardians the opportunity to get to know the Calo program and staff on a more personal level. Your initial visit includes: a tour of the Calo grounds and facility, meetings with the Calo leadership staff, clinical staff, recreation staff and academic staff.
Admissions Criteria
We accept students, ages 9 to 18, with the following issues:
Attachment issues:
- adoption issues,
- identity issues,
- reactive attachment disorder,
- personality disorders (borderline, histrionic, narcissistic traits)
Complex trauma issues:
- abandonment,
- victims of abuse and/or neglect,
- bereavement,
- post-traumatic stress disorder
Emotion regulation issues:
- depression,
- dysthymia,
- bipolar,
- anxiety,
- personality disorders (borderline, histrionic, narcissistic traits)
Symptomatic behaviors include:
- poor impulse control,
- poor social skills,
- promiscuity,
- severe control issues,
- self-destructive behaviors,
- academic decline,
- family conflict,
- identity issues,
- low self-esteem,
- low motivation,
- manipulation,
- oppositional behaviors.
We do not accept students:
With parents who are unwilling to actively participate in the Calo program
With psychotic features
With a primary diagnosis of substance abuse
With a confirmed diagnosis of anti-social or conduct disorder
Who are actively homicidal or suicidal
Who are pregnant
Average Range of Stay: 12-15 Months
Funding Options:
A large percentage of our families do receive some solid financial reimbursement through their private insurance company, adoption subsidies and/or school board funding.
Other families utilize loans:
American HealthCare Lending
1-800-625-7412 ext. 2