Chris relocated to the Lake Ozark area from Kansas City in 2014 for the specific purpose of becoming a member of the Calo clinical team. She left a private practice of 25 years to pursue this position, after hearing of the meaningful work being done at Calo, and recognizing the parallels between her own philosophy in the treatment of children and adolescents with trauma and attachment needs, and the philosophy and practices at Calo. Chris received a Masters degree in counseling psychology from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, where she graduated with honors. She also holds a degree in Special Education, and worked as a teacher and school counselor for ten years prior to entering private practice. Early in her career, Chris recognized the need, and became aware of her strong passion for helping children and adolescents and their families with the challenges of facilitating healing and growth following experiences of early childhood neglect, trauma, and family separations. Her practice focused on children who were adopted, were in the process of being adopted, or were in the foster care system awaiting some type of permanency in their lives. She has extensive experience in individual and family therapy services, both in the office and in the home setting. Through the course of her work in private practice, Chris worked for 10 years with an associate professor of psychiatry at Columbia University who specializes in attachment and trauma, along with a team of therapists from around the country, treating families through intensive treatment experiences. This experience provided her with valuable training in working with families in crisis. Through this process she participated in a research study and co-published the results of that study documenting the success of the intensive treatment model. Chris maintains her excitement about the opportunity to work with the students at Calo and their families, as well as the specialized team of professionals. She feels privileged to be a part of the growth and positive change of the Calostudents and their families. Chris and her husband, Scott are enjoy the lake area, with many visits from their three adult sons and their families, which include two grandchildren.